Sylvia and Sandy on Safari

Day 5 Lake Nakuru

Nakuru turned out to be a well ordered, bustling and colourful town and we would have loved to have spent more time there. However, we had to press on into the Park and find our `palace`for the night. The lodge was basic but the location just perfect and we set off before we lost the daylight to explore the lake a little. It was wonderful to alight from the vehicle and walk on the damp sand along the lake edge. The density of the pink from the flamingoes is just hard to describe.

We watched a magnificent sunset as we returned to the lodge for dinner and opted for an early night. We had been warned that we would be out at the crack of dawn and return later for a brunch.

This proved to be a perfect decision as we witnessed a wild dog chase and catch an impala. Dear Leanne wanted to know why the dog was not on a leash.
We were treated to a close encounter with white Rhinos with a baby but just as we were about to return to the lodge the most magical sighting of all.. just above our open roof lay a contented leopard. We spent some time in awe as we watched it yawn, stretch, scratch and eventually move into another tree .

The brunch table atmosphere was electric with excitement as we recounted our morning to Patrick .

The photos will demonstrate just how close we were but the video clip will highlight the tension and excitement we felt that morning.

Lake Nakuru
Aug 9, 2006 - 20 Photos

Play this 2 min clip to hear our excitement


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